We are a general gynaecological practice. We deal with all aspects related to Women’s Health, not only the ones highlighted by this site. We recognise that each woman is different and requires a special tailor- made solution unique to her needs. We always strive to provide this in a beautiful environment that is respectful of a woman’s privacy and choices.
This includes a full general examination, gynaecological examination, pap smear (screen for cervical cancer) and an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries. We deal with women of all ages starting from teenagers, young adults and women in their 30’s and 40’s to women in menopause and beyond.
This would involve a gynaecological examination, a pap smear and an ultrasound scan of the uterus and ovaries. Blood Tests and Semen Analysis are ordered via Lancet laboratories and a special Hysterosalpingogram (Xray) test, may be ordered if necessary. This is performed in the radiology department by the radiologist and checks that the uterine cavity is normal and that the fallopian tubes are open and not blocked.If specialised assisted reproduction techniques are required, like AI (artificial insemination), IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) then referral is done to a unit in Johannesburg that has the expertise to deal with this highly specialised treatment.
As part of a routine gynaecological visit, a pap smear is performed. If abnormal cells are detected or if any High Risk HPV (human papilloma virus) is detected, then a Colposcopy and biopsy are offered. We provide this service in the rooms using local anaesthetic. This involves looking at the cervix through a high powered microscope with a special solution in order to identify the exact point of abnormality. A biopsy is then taken. Once the exact nature of the abnormality is known, treatment can be instituted. In this way cancer can be prevented.
Prolapse can be very scary. This is when the bladder, uterus or rectum drops downwards due to the effect of aging or/and damage due to pregnancy and childbirth. Symptoms includes leaking of the urine or stool or the feeling of a “ball coming down in this area”. We offer a full assessment: both surgical and non-surgical options are discussed and offered to treat this problem.
We offer Vaginal Laser using the Vaginal Incontilase laser machine. This is a non-invasive option for the treatment of mild to moderate urinary stress incontinence (leaking urine when coughing, sneezing or laughing). It is performed in the rooms with minimal discomfort.
Other problems that vaginal laser targets:
1) relaxed vaginal outlet from vaginal birth
2) vaginal atrophy and aging after menopause
Assessment of hormone status is done via blood tests and the full range of options are discussed. Treatment is dependent on
the specific needs of each individual.
Contraceptive advice is offered for all ages.
This includes:
1) oral contraceptive pills
2) Intrauterine device insertion and removal, including the Mirena
3) Implanon insertion and removal
4) Nuva ring
6) Contraceptive patch, ie: Evra
7) Sterilisation including Tubal Ligation and Essure
MENORRHAGIA (heavy periods)
We offer an assessment that starts with an examination and pelvic ultrasound looking at the uterus and ovaries. Blood tests may need to be performed. Options are discussed. Both Medical and Surgical treatments including endometrial Ablation are offered. We also offer intravenous Iron Transfusions for women who have developed Iron deficiency Anaemia where oral supplements are not working. We perform these in the practice in a calm, quiet environment.
We offer a full range of Gynaecological surgeries, including minimal invasive surgery eg:
1) Laparoscopic myomectomy
2) Laparoscopic hysterectomy
3) Vaginal hysterectomy
4) Laparoscopic colpopexy
A full assessment is done pre-operatively to ensure suitability of a patient to a given surgical procedure.If a patient requires a surgical option that requires a special surgical technique that the practice cannot offer, the patient will then be referred to the best possible doctor or team in Johannesburg or elsewhere. We will facilitate this process and if possible, Dr Sumayya Ebrahim will assist in this surgery.