Why the blog?

January 14, 2016 7:24 am Published by

First I am a woman.

I am a wife, a partner, a lover……

A  mother, a daughter, a sister…….

A gynaecologist, a surgeon, a healer, a nurturer…..

A friend, a counsellor, a confidant……

A walker, a wanderer, a traveller….

A self- proclaimed chef, a lover of good food…

A writer, a teacher, a scientist, an activist…….

A spiritual being, tapped into the universal energy….

A believer of miracles………..

Some days , more of some, and less of the others…

I love to discover the beauty of my surroundings  and  am inspired to recognise the beauty in others……..

I love how the human spirit rises to the challenge of adversity……and success

I love the energy that debate and discussion bring forth….

I applaud diversity and struggle to understand mediocrity…..

Sometimes I soar and sometimes I flounder…….


Make this journey with me………..


Be entertained , be inspired, be challenged……….



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This post was written by Fusebox

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